Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sigh of a Ninja

Remember how etwas was going to come to outright war between gut alte "Dougie T." und myself? Remember how I was going to rip his hypocritical Kopf from his smarmy little neck ob er didn't mend his ways? Nein, du kennst nichts for I have never mentioned the ongoing feud between the Mensch in my Haus wer are not self-absorbed bastards and the doug who is. Suffice it to say, he hat gemachen our lives miserable mit his passive-aggressive little snits and his unimaginable conflict-avoidance; it is enough to drive man into Beklemmung.
Well, gestern that confrontation finally happened and I am left with nur some of the satisfaction that I had expected would be mine. That rat-bastard had the audacity to suggest that I was the one who sollte man-up and tell people when I have a problem with them! Er, der Man wer attempted to sneak-exempt himself from all grocery bills; the one who slips his dumm little notes onto Ture in the middle of the Nacht; he who cowers behind fake apologies and qualifications, alles davor instituting a reign of terror over dieser Haus that would make Osama bin Laden proud!
What a joke. If not for him, life down here would be pretty consistently fantastic. As it is, we're just hovering around okay.

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