Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why you procrastinating fiend...

I should be writing a paper right now. Two papers, actually, one due tomorrow and one due last month. But you know me and my lazy ways, so it should come as absolutely no surprise that I have yet to even open up Word this evening.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is for me

I have never been one for wanton sharing of my life.  The original incarnation of the blog passed me by, garnering very little interest, and I have avoided Twitter like the plague. Myspace and Bookface proclaim to the world that I remain trapped in the year 2006, doomed to relive the year once and again through some sort of strange loop. I am a consumer of other peoples' creativity, not a producer of my own. I read blogs, but never comment. I admire art, but never paint. I tear through novels like a ravenous beast, yet never jot down a meager sentence of my own. "Why, then, are you beginning a blog on this rainy first night of December?" the concerned reader may ask. Well I'll answer: